Ntercer condicional en ingles pdf

If you had worked harder, you would have passed your exam. If i had studied more, i would have passed the exam. Estructura del tercer condicional en ingles con ejercicio practico y ejemplos en afirmativo, negativo y preguntas structure of the third conditional with exercises and examples estructura general. If the weather had beenwould have been fine last weekend, we would have gonehad gone to the beach for a picnic. If he had gone to your house, he would have met your friends. If i had been able to afford it, i would have bought the porsche. Conditional sentences are also known as if clauses. If i had woken up earlier, i wouldnt have missed the train.

If he had studied medicine he would have been a very good doctor. If i had studied music, now i would be a rock star. Instead, we use the auxiliary verb would to form the conditional. Condicionales en ingles como formar y usar las frases condicionales. If we had had more time, we would have visited pompeii. Condicionales en ingles como formar y usar las frases. Primer condicional en ingles first conditional colanguage. Estructura tercer condicional en ingles con ejemplos.